
Death of the High Street

“Death of the HIgh Street” is a headline you will have often seen in newspapers as retail chain after retail chain succumbs to the steady shift in the pattern of sales from shops to online, exacerbated by various lockdowns.

If you are a smaller local business you may feel that it won’t affect you to the same extent and it will blow over when lockdown restrictions are lifted.

However if you haven’t already done so, isn’t it time you looked seriously at online sales for your business to protect its future?

There are various options open to you from ‘dipping a toe in the water’ to a full-blown e-commerce website offering your full range of products online for delivery to your customers’ home address.

What not start by adding Paypal buttons to the most popular items on your website? Here is an example:-


E-commerce is even an option for charities. Have a look at Elmet Lions Club’s Easter Egg Raffle:-




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